eknowledge SAT/ACT Donation Project
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Total Donations | $86,548,355.16
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Doreen Lund says:
2017-01-05 12:41:34

Thank you so much!! Was looking into a classroom setting that was going to cost almost $800, plus the timing was off. This will allow my son to do the work on his timetable and without the financial burden. We GREATLY appreciate this!!!

Makeda Young says:
2013-08-19 00:51:53

I can't express my gratitude well enough through one message but I am so thankful for your gift to pursue my educationalgoal. Being in the military is something I am proud of but to have the support of those around you makes the hard days even in failure feel like I can't give up. You just made it possible for me to get one step closer to becoming a medical provider as this is my last requirement. I promise to pay if forward- 1LT Makeda Tiye Young

Rebecca Sisk says:
2010-08-29 03:31:33

Thank you so much for the assistance. As a single soldier and mother, educational costs are very daunting, the assistance you provided helps me to help myself to get my education and make a better way of life for my kids. Thanks so much!

Sacha Jensen says:
2013-08-19 06:52:37

Without your contributions our daughter would not be able to get the assistance she needs to prepare for the biggest journey of her life. Thank you! "But just as you excel in everything--in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us--see that you also excel in this grace of giving." 2 Cor 5:12

Linda Nelson says:
2018-02-11 16:36:58

Thank you very much for supporting an awesome program for military families. We often make sacrifices few people understand, but it is greatly appreciated when others give back to us. Again, thank you for helping our military families strive to meet their education goals.

Ana Caballero says:
2017-05-23 22:17:24

Thank you so much for your donation. These tools will help me get over one of my hurdles to finish my medical degree and finish my dream of becoming an officer in the Navy.

Crystal Tate says:
2016-09-12 12:57:29

Thank you so much for you love and kindness. It means the world to me and my kids. God Bless you!! Crystal

Hillary Green says:
2016-05-25 11:54:54

Thank you for donating to this program. I know you don't know me but I will use this service and your investment to my full advantage. Thank you!

Robert DeVincent says:
2014-01-21 22:56:56

This is such an amazing idea. Thank you so much for your generosity, I am truly grateful! I am on my way out of the Marine Corps soon and planning on obtaining higher education. This is the perfect way to prepare for applying to Universities after being out of practice for so long.

2013-08-16 06:54:42

A BIG THANK YOU, My son is a Junior in High School and we have started the process for him to start taking the ACT and SAT to make sure he has every opportunity to continue his education and his dreams to play college and professional Baseball in his future. We are very supportive parents and hope that every opportunity that is brought to us like this one we share with our children for there success. We appreciate all your support and dedication to us as we serve our Country. Hooah!! Army Strong.

Bradley Brown says:
2010-08-08 08:41:33

You guys ROCK! I appreciate the help. Keep up the good work thank you!

Fabrienne Delgado Bjornell says:
2011-01-19 13:48:46

I just wanted to thank everyone who sponsors this program. As a single parent and veteran of two teenagers this will truly help provide additional support to my teens in their efforts to score better and hopefully get into better colleges. This will enrich their futures ... Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ray Fallaria says:
2013-08-20 10:19:43

Thank you so much for sonsoring this great program and helping the military members and their families! Investing in our kids future is tremendous and we really appreciate you for it!

Mark Gruenewald says:
2018-04-02 18:19:07

Thank You

Samuel Walters says:
2017-12-06 13:35:12

Thank you for your support of my educational endeavors. My goal is to one day be able to pay it forward.

Eric Sullivan says:
2017-09-04 13:13:14

Thank you for the help. Best Wishes!

Bailey Cooper says:
2017-05-18 01:19:35


Mark Revor says:
2016-10-23 18:56:06

Thank you. Your contributions mean a lot to all of us.

David Van Curan says:
2016-09-11 14:06:34

Thank you for supporting this SAT program. This has been beneficial to my children and myself.

brigid hannon says:
2016-02-04 06:05:08

Thank you for your generous sponsorship!

Stephanie Shrum says:
2015-09-10 09:31:12

Thanks! This is going to help me accomplish my dreams!

tqun jacobs says:
2014-09-14 10:36:00


2014-04-07 13:47:23

Thank you. This opportunity will not go unused!

Christopher Delany says:
2014-03-13 10:21:04

Thank you.

Felicia Routson says:
2014-02-27 11:54:16

Thank you so much. It is daunting to get back into college after the military, but this helps.

Dan Bryan says:
2014-12-20 02:44:54

Thank you, thank you, thank you. A thousand times thank you. Your generousity has opened up an entire future for so many that might not otherwise have had an opportunity to succeed!

Barry Schnaitman says:
2012-01-26 09:05:55

My oldest daughter was able to improve her score and is now attending a high cost private college with half the tuition being covered by scholarships. We are back ordering again to prepare our other teenagers much earlier than before. Thanks!

Betty Greenberg says:
2012-06-15 04:12:12

Thanks so much for this program. We just arrived in Spain and my 18 yr old needs to take the SAT/ACT to begin college classes this fall. This is a great and affordable way to help him prepare.

MarkGruenewald says:
2018-05-18 16:15:41

Thank You for the opportunity. My Dad is military retiree with 4 kids so this helps us out a lot.

2017-08-06 20:14:17

Thank you for providing a valuable learning tool. Your contributions are important and very much appreciated.

sahbrennah smith says:
2017-02-10 10:56:15

Thank you for all your support for those of us in military uniform.

John Matuza says:
2016-06-15 05:34:16

My daughter is going to graduate next year and she has completed another outstanding academic year in high school. I cannot thank those that donate to this program for military dependents and their futures. It is humbly accepted with my families thanks for your generosity toward this program.Sincerely,Retired Navy Senior ChiefJohn V Matuza

Anthony Beaman says:
2014-07-02 14:29:19

I could not be more thankful. This program gives me the opportunity to prepare myself for transitioning out of the Military and into college. The accessibility over the internet and great discount is a very important factor for me as I have a very short amount of time for test prep.

Elvin Cruz says:
2013-12-28 19:09:38

My wife and I have always stressed the importance of education to our children. This gift will ensure that we can give my son the tools that he needs to succeed. I would like to thank all those who have contributed to this program.(From a grateful military family)

Jason McGuire says:
2014-10-07 10:50:15

Thanks for making this affordable for me to prepare to go back to school. I appreciate it.

2018-04-18 12:09:51

This a tremendous benefit that will benefit me and my family. Thank you!

Noel Chargualaf says:
2011-01-07 19:46:36

It gives us a lot of saving in purchasing the item, this will really help my kids or myself in preparing to take the SAT or ACT test. Thank you very much for helping your Soldiers and their Families. Go For Broke!

AnaCaballero says:
2020-04-13 18:24:11

Thank you for sponsoring this helps out a lot.

Asa Stamps says:
2018-01-07 13:23:36


nicole carter says:
2017-11-21 17:51:52


Cameron Oliver says:
2017-08-04 12:17:44


Sean St Louis says:
2016-11-02 11:04:32

Thank you

James Wells says:
2016-09-28 16:29:39

thank you!

Ryan Cotner says:
2016-05-09 15:35:44

thank you

Ana Lyons says:
2016-01-24 16:54:15

Thank you for your support of military families.

Rich Reimers says:
2014-10-15 14:41:03

Thank you for this opportunity to prepare me for the ACT's.

2014-04-30 03:50:38

thank you

Patrick O'Brien says:
2014-03-31 14:24:31

This is great, my goal is to score above 1100 on the SAT.Wish me luck.

Mara Lawrence says:
2014-03-01 04:09:02

Thank you. This was very easy to navigate. This is one step closer to furthering my career.

Tyler McGuire says:
2014-02-27 10:49:31

You guys are awesome thank you!

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