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About ACT Exam

Calculator Policy

You may use a calculator on the ACT Mathematics Test but not on any of the other tests in the ACT. You are not required to use a calculator. All problems on the Mathematics Test can be solved without a calculator.

WARNING: You are responsible
for knowing if your calculator is permitted. If you use a prohibited calculator, or you use a calculator on any test other than the Mathematics Test, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. If scores are reported and ACT determines that you used a prohibited calculator or used one inappropriately on that test, those scores may be cancelled.

If you wish to use a calculator, you are responsible for bringing it to the test center and making sure it works properly. The test center will not provide backup calculators or batteries. You may not share a calculator with anyone else. You may bring a backup calculator, but you may not have more than one on your desk or in operation at a time.

You may use your calculator only while you are working on the Mathematics Test. At all other times, it must be turned off and put away. If you finish the Mathematics Test before time is called, you must turn your calculator off and wait quietly. If your calculator has games or other functions, you may not use those functions-you may use only the mathematics functions of your calculator. Permitted Calculators

You may use any four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, unless it has features described in the Prohibited Calculators list. For models on the Calculators Permitted with Modification list, you will be required to modify some of the calculator's features. Prohibited Calculators

These types of calculators are prohibited:
  • Texas Instruments: all model numbers that begin with TI-89
  • and TI-92
  • , and the TI-Nspire CAS-The TI-Nspire (non-CAS) is permitted.
  • Hewlett-Packard: hp 48GII and all model numbers that begin with hp 40G, hp 49G,
  • or hp 50G
  • Casio: Algebra fx 2.0, ClassPad 300, and all model numbers that begin with CFX-9970G
  • calculators with built-in computer algebra systems
  • pocket organizers
  • handheld or laptop computers
  • electronic writing pads or pen-input devices-The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted.
  • calculators built into cell phones or other electronic communication devices
  • calculators with a typewriter keypad (keys in QWERTY format)-Calculators with letter keys not in QWERTY format are permitted.

Calculators Permitted with Modification

These types of calculators are permitted, but only after they are modified as noted:
  • calculators with paper tape-Remove the tape.
  • calculators that make noise-Turn off the sound.
  • calculators that can communicate wirelessly with other calculators-Completely cover the infrared data port with heavy opaque material, such as duct tape or electrician's tape (includes Hewlett-Packard hp-38G series and hp-48G)
  • calculators that have power cords-Remove all power/electrical cords.